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Craftzing people: Business analyst Fien Boone

Meet Fien: dedicated to transforming data into strategic insights. As a business analyst at Craftzing, she plays a crucial role in helping companies make data-driven decisions and develop effective solutions. Discover how she uses her analytical skills to create value for businesses and customers alike, and learn what she values most in her dynamic role.

What does your role as a business analyst at Craftzing entail?

As a business analyst at Craftzing, my role involves analyzing data and transforming them into actionable insights. This data can range from sales figures and website analytics to market trends and internal business processes. By analyzing this data, I identify what’s working well and what needs improvement within the business. These insights help shape strategic guidelines, such as the principle 'digital first, not digital only': prioritize digital solutions for simple problems but incorporate human expertise for more complex issues.

I aim to help companies make informed decisions and develop valuable solutions. By incorporating data into the decision-making process, we ensure strategies are well-founded and effective.

What impact do you want to make as a business analyst?

I aim to help companies make informed decisions and develop valuable solutions. By incorporating data into the decision-making process, we ensure strategies are well-founded and effective. While I represent the business side, it’s crucial to create value for the customer too. Therefore, our strategies combine business analysis insights with user research and customer journey insights, facilitated by our service designers.

What important themes do you see recurring with clients?

We often encounter data silos within companies, which limits its value and makes extracting insights more difficult. At Craftzing, we break down these silos, promoting a horizontal data architecture across the entire organization.

AI is another significant theme, with clients often expressing interest in AI solutions. We challenge them to consider whether AI is the right fit for their problem and business strategy. Our goal is to help clients handle AI strategically and effectively.

Lastly, customer-centricity is increasingly vital. Companies must think from their target audience’s perspective to meet their needs. Through customer journey mapping and customer analytics, we help companies understand their customers better.

We often encounter data silos within companies, which limits its value and makes extracting insights more difficult. At Craftzing, we break down these silos, promoting a horizontal data architecture across the entire organization.

What qualities should a good business analyst possess?

A good business analyst needs to think analytically and reason logically. You need to analyze data but also translate it into insights, impact and risk analyses, and action points.

Moreover, stakeholder management is a significant part of my job. I need to manage stakeholders across various departments, understanding their unique needs and fostering collaboration. This requires me to be a good communicator, be critical yet empathetic.

What do you value most in your job?

The variety of projects. Each new situation, sector, and organization presents unique challenges and objectives. This demands a fresh approach and critical thinking, which keeps my work engaging and energizing.

How do you keep your knowledge up to date?

I stay current by gaining experience within the company and learning from colleagues. Our Centers of Excellence (CoEs) are excellent sources of information on AI, useful frameworks, and industry insights.

Despite being relatively new and junior, I felt valued from day one. Everyone’s opinion matters, and achievements are recognized.

What does working at Craftzing mean to you?

Working at Craftzing means being part of an open and empathetic culture. Despite being relatively new and junior, I felt valued from day one. Everyone’s opinion matters, and achievements are recognized. The atmosphere is both professional and relaxed, offering trust and growth opportunities. I am very grateful for the support and mentorship I’ve received.

What gives you energy outside of work?

My energy sources vary depending on my mood. I enjoy occasional drinks and restaurant visits with friends, outings with family, but also just relaxing at home with a good series.

By Michele Stynen

Digital Marketeer